“When This Cruel War Is Over” is a song written by Charles Carroll Sawyer with music by Henry Tucker. Published in 1863, it was a popular war song during the American Civil War, sung by both Union and Confederate troops. Charles Carroll Sawyer, Songwriter, *1833, †1890 Henry L. Tucker, *1826, †1882 Weeping Sad and Lonely, / When This Cruel War Is Over, 1863, struck the hearts of all Americans, regardless of their political persuasions. It appears in the timeless movie classic “Gone With The Wind”. Jeff in Petticoats, 1865. The legend is a cross-drlessing story and goes that Confederate President Jefferson Davis, whilst attempting to evade capture, had fled from a tent in the middle of the night wearing his wife’s clothing. Sweet Geneviève, 1869, is the best-known song of the composer http://www.hymntime.com/tch/bio/t/u/c/k/tucker_hl.htm https://www.pdmusic.org/henry-tucker/. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_I_Grow_Too_Old_to_Dream Schweizer Spielwerk Nr. 25644